When a couple is trying to become pregnant, it can be a frustrating and stressful time. However, there is no need to make it more complicated than it really is. Some people get pregnant very easily while others may take longer or they may even have real infertility issues that are preventing them from conceiving. There are some things you can do when you are trying to conceive that can help your chances of becoming pregnant.
Right away it is important to relax and not get stressed out over becoming pregnant. Getting pregnant is a natural process so you need to relax and allow your body to take over and become pregnant. Undue stress can cause many hormonal reactions through your body that can affect the process of getting pregnant.
Your hormones must be in a certain balance in order to conceive and stress can affect this important balance. If you are trying to conceive you may want to consider implementing some stress reduction techniques. Yoga and meditation or both wonderful activities that can reduce stress and they are both activities that can be easy to do and incorporate into your life.
It is also important to become as healthy as you can be. A healthy and nutritious diet can help you with this. Try to consume a good diet that is loaded with vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats. Fruits are also very good as they are loaded with healthy antioxidants, however, you may need to limit fruits to a serving or two a day as they also have a lot of natural sugars.
If you are trying to become pregnant you should begin to take a good prenatal vitamin. Make sure that it has at least 400 mcg of folic acid, as this nutrient is crucial for your unborn baby to prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Make sure that your vitamin is high-quality and one that your body can absorb.
Alcohol and smoking cigarettes while pregnant are both things that you should avoid, especially if you are trying to become pregnant. Alcohol can be very detrimental to a developing fetus and many of the important organs such as the brain are developed very early on in the pregnancy.
It is best to avoid alcohol altogether if there is any chance you may conceive. Tobacco is also bad for your unborn baby and you also. Tobacco negatively affects every system in your body and it crosses the placenta so it negatively affects your baby also. If you are trying to become pregnant, quit smoking. You’ll be doing both yourself and your baby a big favor.
Trying To Conceive Tips
- Make an effort to enjoy sex just as much as you are able to due to the fact that it may improve your sperm count and create swimmers.
- Have a lot of sex. The more times you have sex, the more probabilities of conceiving a child.
- Don’t move after you have sex. The actual semen could possibly come out of your vaginal canal. Make an effort to stay still for around twenty to thirty minutes.
- Lay down on a pillow which will recline your whole body and allow the sperm to swim further into the uterus.
- Avoid the use of spermicidal or germicidal soap.
- Start using a fertility monitor kit you can buy from any supermarket.
- Actually it’s quicker to conceive whenever you do it prior to your ovulation.
- Forget about the calendar method for ovulation. It is simply not accurate.
If you relax and enjoy the process, get healthy and take care of yourself, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you are still unable to conceive after 6 months to 1 year you may want to consult a fertility specialist to find out if there is a real problem.