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When you are pregnant you want to do everything right. Eating healthy, sleeping well and taking the right vitamins in order to assure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. And while it is common knowledge that certain things should absolutely be avoided, like alcohol and nicotine there are some other common supplements and certain ingredients that should be avoided by pregnant women.

While common herbal supplements are widely used, you should always consult your doctor prior to taking anything during pregnancy. Certain common herbs such as St. John’s Wort and Saw Palmetto can have serious adverse effects on your pregnancy and your developing baby. Actually all herbs are suspect, partly because they are not regulated so there is no uniformity in products but also herbs do have medicinal value and they can be highly detrimental to pregnant women. Consult your doctor before taking any herbal medicines and if you are already taking them. You may need to discontinue your use during your pregnancy.

Quinine is a substance that is found in many drinks such as tonic water. These drinks tend to be popular because of their slightly bitter taste. However, quinine can be dangerous for a developing baby. The baby can have withdrawal symptoms after being born along with nervous tremors. Any drink or food that has quinine it it should be avoided during pregnancy.

Ginseng is another common ingredient that is found in drinks or used as a supplement. Certain studies have shown that one of the 20 active constituents of ginseng had a detrimental effect on fetal development in rats. While this may or may not translate to a problem in human pregnancies, the fact that it was detrimental to rats makes it something to be avoided. The study was also on just one of ginseng’s active constituents even though it has over 20 different active constituents which may all affect the embryo. To be safe, ginseng should be avoided.

Gingko Biloba is another common supplement that pregnant women should avoid. It has been found that one of the active constituents in gingko biloba was able to cross the placenta and reach the baby in pregnant women. This particular constituent, which is an alkaloid called colchicine, can be fatal at the higher doses, though when used correctly it can have anti-inflammatory effects. Studies show that colchicine can build up to dangerous amounts in the womb. To avoid any potential complications gingko biloba should be avoided during pregnancy.

Other things that you may want to consider avoiding would be caffeine. Small amounts of caffeine during pregnancy are probably okay but excessive amounts can affect your baby. Caffeine crosses the placenta barrier and you’ll be giving that same quick wake-up that coffee gives to you to your baby. That is something that your baby really doesn’t need. In small amounts, such as one cup of coffee in the morning, it may be safe but do you really want to take a chance. Giving up caffeine for the short time you are pregnant is a small price to pay for the peace of mind of knowing that you are not providing your unborn baby with a stimulant.

Here is the short list of herbs to avoid during pregnancy…

  • Saw Palmetto
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Quinine
  • Ginseng
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Caffeine

When you are pregnant, you want to make sure that you are as healthy as you can be so that your baby can get the best possible start. Do not take any supplements or medications without consulting your doctor first.