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For the majority of women, getting pregnant is fairly easy. Most women are fertile enough to conceive within a few cycles of trying. However, there are those few for whom it is very difficult. There are many reasons for infertility, from advanced age, to medical problems with the woman or the man. And while it can be very frustrating and disappointing when you fail to conceive month after month there are some things to consider that may improve your chance of conceiving a baby.

Your Mental State

Research has shown that it is not just physical health that is at issue with infertility but that often your emotional and mental state can have an effect also. Having a positive mental attitude and believing or having faith that you will conceive can truly make a huge difference. When your stress levels are low and you feel happy and at peace, you and your partner are much more likely to enjoy the process of trying to become pregnant and you are more likely to conceive when you are in this receptive state. As stress levels rise, fertility levels fall so if you are worrying about becoming pregnant you are hurting your chances. Try to relax and remember to enjoy the process. Conceiving a baby can be a joyful and happy time for you, get into that joyful and happy state and your chances of conceiving will go up.

There are things that you can do that can help you to relax. Massage therapy is nice. You and your partner can give each other massages to help you relax and enjoy. Or you may like to just take a warm, relaxing bath. Aromatherapy can be wonderfully calming and relaxing. Aromatherapy can also be used to regulate menstrual cycles if that is one of your problems with infertility. You can find certified aromatherapy specialists by doing an Internet search or looking in your local directories.

Spending some enjoyable time with your partner can also help. If you are both enjoying your time together it can enhance the emotional aspects of your relationship and relieve the stress of trying to conceive. Conception is not something you need to “try” hard to do, just enjoy the process and you may be surprised.


There are also some alternative therapies that have been found to be helpful for infertility. Acupuncture has a positive effect on fertility, especially when it is used in conjunction with IVF. Acupuncture has been used in China for around 5000 years and it has been proven to have beneficial effects on a variety of ailments. It is now gaining more recognition among western physicians and healers as it has been proven to be helpful in so many different situations.

If you are interested in acupuncture for your infertility, make sure that you find a reputable, certified acupuncturist. You can look online at the National Institutes of Health or The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture to find a licensed acupuncturist.

Ovulation and Menstruation

Your chances for becoming pregnant depend on your menstrual cycle. Ovulation is when the egg drops down preparing to either become fertilized, which would mean pregnancy, or to be sloughed off, which would be a normal period. You can only get pregnant if you ovulate and you are able to fertilize the egg at that time. Therefore you can only get pregnant when you are ovulating.

Ovulation typically occurs between the 12th and the 18th day after your last menstrual period begins. There are some signs of ovulation that you can learn to discern, such as changes in temperature or cervical mucus. You can also purchase ovulation predictor tests at you local pharmacy or drugstore.

Having sexual intercourse during the time that you are ovulating will greatly increase your chances of becoming pregnant. However, if you are trying to become pregnant you should be having sex around 3 times a week or more. You will only conceive while you are ovulating, however. So during this optimum time try to get together with your partner as often as possible.

After you have had intercourse, lay still and relax in the bed for 20 minutes or more. You want to make sure that your partner’s sperm stays inside of your body if you want to conceive. You definitely do not want to get up and move around too much if you are having trouble conceiving.

Nutrition and Diet

Healthy women get pregnant so before you conceive you should adopt a healthy diet and nutrition plan. Try to eat a healthy diet rich in quality protein and healthy vitamins and antioxidants. Make sure you are getting plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein and whole grains.

Certain foods can help you to become pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy. Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli and certain types of lettuce contain significant amounts of folic acid, which is a crucial nutrient for pregnant women because it prevents neural tube defects in babies. This valuable nutrient is also important to a woman’s reproductive and general health. Folic acid can also be found in some enriched food products such as bread or cereals. It is also included in prenatal vitamins.

Lean meats are very rich in protein and iron. Iron is necessary for healthy blood cells for you and healthy blood cell formation for the baby. Protein is the building block of every one of our cells so it is crucial to include healthy protein. If you are a vegetarian you may need to be more careful about getting your protein. Beans and legumes can be a good source of vegetarian protein. If you are not vegan, eggs also offer high-quality protein along with dairy products

Dairy products are rich in calcium which is crucial for your bone health and for the development of your baby’s bones. It is important to consume enough calcium so that your body can support the developing fetus.

Chances of Getting Pregnant

If you have been trying to conceive a baby for a year and you have not succeeded then you need to consult your physician to determine if there is a real problem. If you are over age 35 and you have not conceived within 6 months of actively trying you need to consult your doctor. Fertility specialists can help you if you have a genuine complication and the sooner you consult them the sooner you will be pregnant.