It is a sad fact that cigarette smoking while pregnant can negatively affect our lives whether we smoke or not. The dangers of second-hand smoke have been documented in numerous studies. The dangers and risks of cigarette smoking and second-hand …

The Dangers Of Smoking While Pregnant

How Healthy Eating Can Help Your Pregnancy
When you get pregnant you may experience a number of different aches and pains. Your body is changing and going through something completely different from normal so different ailments can be expected. In the past it may have been common …

Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy
While you are pregnant you should eat a healthful and nutritious diet, get plenty of rest, cut back on caffeine and stop smoking if possible. This is all for the health of your baby and yourself. Most of these things …

Food Cravings During Pregnancy
You have probably heard about pregnant women craving pickles and ice cream and the truth is not really that far off. Food cravings during pregnancy are normal. Most women do not crave really strange things. Cravings for sweets, dairy products …

Plus Size Pregnancy
Many, many plus-sized women get pregnant every year. The vast majority have healthy pregnancies and give birth to a healthy baby. Even so, if you are plus-sized you do have higher risk factors than someone who is of normal weight …