Taking a pregnancy test can be easily done with pregnancy test kits right from your local pharmacy or drug store. It can be an exciting and emotional time when you find out you are pregnant. The days before can be …

How To Use A Pregnancy Test

How To Improve Chances of Getting Pregnant
For the majority of women, getting pregnant is fairly easy. Most women are fertile enough to conceive within a few cycles of trying. However, there are those few for whom it is very difficult. There are many reasons for infertility, …

Pregnancy Supplements – What To Avoid When Pregnant
When you are pregnant you want to do everything right. Eating healthy, sleeping well and taking the right vitamins in order to assure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. And while it is common knowledge that certain things should …

Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy
Most doctors recommend a weight gain of anywhere between 25 and 30 pounds for a healthy pregnancy. However, some gain a bit more and some may even gain a bit less yet still have a healthy baby and a healthy …

Seven Tips On Getting Pregnant
If you are wanting to know how to get pregnant fast here are seven tips on getting pregnant to think about. One of the best tips for getting pregnant is to understand your own reproductive cycle. There is only a …