Getting pregnant and giving birth to a beautiful baby is definitely one of the greatest joys of life. But there are those couples who have a hard time getting pregnant and there are also couples who have a hard time staying pregnant. And while there may be medical difficulties for these problems, barring that the advice for getting pregnant is very similar to the advice for staying pregnant. Here are some simple pregnancy tips to increase your chances.
In order to get pregnant and stay pregnant it is important to take excellent care of yourself. Your body will be participating in one of the greatest yet most normal parts of life, the act of creating life. In order to give your unborn child the best possible chance you should make an effort to take great care of yourself both pre-conception and post-conception.
Break Your Bad Habits
If you have any bad habits that are detrimental to your health you should stop them now. This includes smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol or taking drugs of any kind. Even prescription drugs that are prescribed by your doctor can have a derogatory affect on the fetus. Illicit drugs are definitely dangerous to the fetus. However, if you are currently taking a prescribed drug you should consult with your doctor and do research. Some medications may possibly be safe for the fetus but you should not take any chances. Be sure that any prescription drugs you are taking are safe for your baby.
Improve Your Diet
You should also improve your diet to include plenty of nutrients that are good for both you and the baby. Processed food that is devoid of nutritional value does not benefit you nor does it benefit the baby. And the fact is that the baby will take the nutrition first and you will get whatever is left. Therefore it is best to have a nutritious and healthy diet so that your baby can be healthy and you can be strong and healthy also. A healthy diet can also help your chances of becoming pregnant and staying pregnant.
Try to get to a normal healthy weight before pregnancy. Both being too heavy or being to thin can be detrimental for your pregnancy. Your best chances of getting pregnant and staying pregnant are when you are at a healthy normal weight.
Tips For Men
While maintaining the pregnancy after it occurs may be up to the woman, when it comes to getting pregnant in the first place, the man’s role is just as important as the woman’s role.
In order to help your partner become pregnant, you need to achieve and maintain good health. You should also break your bad habits. Smoking can actually decrease your sperm count, which will minimize your chances of getting pregnant. If you want your partner to get pregnant, you should quit smoking.
You must also consider any drugs you are taking. Illicit drugs such as crack, meth or even pot can greatly affect the health of a man’s sperm so you should avoid using illicit drugs. Prescribed drugs may also have an effect on the sperm so consult with your doctor and do your own research on any pharmaceutical drugs that you may be taking.
Wear boxers and not briefs and ensure cooler temperatures. Sperm production is greatly affected by temperature. The hotter and more constricted you are “down there” the more your sperm count will go down. So relax and wear boxer’s and keep it cool as possible.
The dietary supplements, Zinc and vitamin E, have been found to help in increasing sperm production so you may consider taking these supplements.
Tips For Women To Get Pregnant Naturally
The most important tip for women for getting pregnant naturally is to track your cycle and determine your “fertile days”. These are a few days leading up to ovulation and the actual day of ovulation. You can only get pregnant during this time in your cycle so it is important to know exactly when that is.
You can learn about your cycle and ovulation by monitoring your cervical changes and fluids. During ovulation, your cervix will have a sticky mucus. It is very easy to recognize if you know what you are looking for. You can also record your body temperature. Your temperature should rise just a little bit right at ovulation time. Track your temperature for a few months to see this.
Of course you should be recording your menstruation days also. Typically ovulation occurs around 13 to 14 days after the start of your period but every month it may be different. If you cycle runs between 24 and 36 days you could ovulate anytime between 12 and 18 days. This is why it is important to track the changes in your cervical fluids and temperature for a few months.
If you are under 40 and you have not gotten pregnant within 6 months, you may want to consult your doctor or a fertility specialist. If you are over 40 you may want to consult with your doctor sooner.